
Innovation and Reinvention - A Powerful Connection

Innovation and reinvention share a deep, intrinsic connection, both representing the disruptive forces that drive continuous change. Throughout my career, which began in the early '80s, I have worked extensively in innovation area.

A few years ago, I was introduced to the concept of reinvention, which added a new dimension to my work. My journey into reinvention began with Aidan McCullen's excellent book Undisruptable, which explores the necessity of permanent reinvention. His Innovation Show further convinced me that reinvention is an essential component of innovation.

My exploration deepened when I encountered the Reinvention Method created by Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva. While I may be biased, in my view, this method is a masterwork in systemic innovation. I believe it is an essential toolkit for navigating our era of continuous turbulence. If we can't beat change, we must join it.

Synergy Opportunities

In the following sections, I will highlight specific areas where I have discovered significant synergy between innovation and reinvention.

1. People-Centric Reinvention

Reinvention places a strong emphasis on people. Perhaps I am old school, but my experience with reinvention has shown me that human issues are not separate from the "disruptor" role—they are central to it. In organizational innovation, you are often expected to be a "serial innovator," and to achieve this, the ability to reinvent yourself is crucial.

2. Sustaining Innovation through Reinvention

When a company or organization successfully innovates, what happens next? From a business perspective, every innovation has a life cycle. The risk is that an innovation becomes so monumental that no one dares to touch it, or it becomes disposable and is eventually discarded. The solution? Reinvent the innovation. This approach ensures that innovations remain relevant and impactful over time.

3. Bridging the Innovation Gap

No innovation stands alone. It is more often the rule than the exception that significant changes are required around an innovation to make it successful. This can be a demanding task, especially when high-flying innovators are on one side and traditionalists are on the other. Reinvention offers a way to engage and empower those on the periphery, making them feel like integral contributors to the innovation process.

4. Tools for Innovation: The Stellar Canvas

The Reinvention Method includes tools that are equally valuable in innovation contexts. For instance, the Stellar Canvas is an excellent tool for bridging the gap between the experimentation phase and the uncertain realities that lie ahead. It helps navigate the complexities of implementing innovation in real-world scenarios.

Customer Perspective

While working in innovation, I often encountered a common challenge: even major corporations recognize the value of innovation, but the idea of investing in it as a continuous process and system often seems overwhelming.

Introducing C&N - for Growth

To address this, I have introduced the C&N - for Growth concept, which simply means that if your goal is growth, you must focus on both the change of business (C) and the creation of new business (N).

From an organizational customer's perspective, a combination of innovation and reinvention would be highly attractive. It covers key areas and benefits everyone within the company. While only about 2% of people may be natural innovators, reinvention is something everyone can engage with. This holistic approach brings a company closer to making the decision to invest in these critical areas.

Certainly, there are areas where reinvention can learn from the innovation side. However, in this article, I have chosen to focus on the still less-known field of reinvention.

Your Perspective on Synergy

How do you see this synergy from your perspective?