

- proactive in business

New Value Creation in Business!

  • It has long been recognized that a company's traditional operations for developing products, services, or business are no longer sufficient to create the value required for sustainable growth.

  • There are no magic tricks for value creation in business—not even innovation qualifies as one. Few companies achieve sustainable growth solely through innovation.

  • Developing a value creation strategy that enables sustainable growth in business is one of the key priorities for all business leaders.

Does your current strategy ensure not only your company's survival but also its ability to thrive in a rapidly changing world? Do you have an up-to-date R&N strategy?

Jarmo Markula

> 20 years, Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) Entrepreneur

> 5 years, change and reinvention, learning and development work

> 5 years, business development for innovation projects

> 10 years UoH (Lis.Sc.), research and teaching in applied business

> 5 years in industry: commercialization, marketing and steering group member

Take Your Activities to New Level!

Jarmo Markula

+358 50 5724871


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